(Multiple) Masternode setup with the New Capital script
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A brand new Linux VPS (Debian 10 is recommended)
root access to the VPS (you must be able to login as "root")
If you want to run multiple masternodes, your VPS must be configured for IPv6.
Your VPS provider must also allocate enough IPv6 IPs for the amount of masternodes you wish to install. This amount varies from provider to provider, so check with them to see how many IPs are allocated to your VPS.
If you meet the above requirements, login to your VPS as "root" and type the following command:
wget -q -O - https://git.io/Jf5Wu | sh
You will see the install procedure running. After it completes, it will display this screen:
You can exit the installation procedure at any time by pressing ESC-ESC or Ctrl^C.
Press ENTER to advance to the coin selection screen. Here you are given a choice of setting up FIX or TWINS masternodes:
You can make your choice by pressing the UP/DOWN arrow keys and confirm it by pressing ENTER.
Choose "FIX" and press ENTER. This will bring you to the following screen:
Here you will choose an IP address for your masternode. Unused IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are automatically detected and listed. Choose your masternode address by moving the blue rectangle with the up and down arrow keys and press ENTER to select it and move on to the next step below:
In this step you will create a FIX masternode address which will hold your masternode collateral. You have two options to do this:
Option 1: Go to your FIX wallet, click on the "Receive" tab (1), enter the desired masternode name in the "Label" field (2) and press the "Request Payment" button (3). See the screenshot below if you need detailed guidance.
Option 2: Go to the Debug console of your FIX wallet by clicking on "Tools" (1) and "Debug console" (2) afterwards:
In the Debug console, type getaccountaddress masternode_name (replace
with the name of your masternode. The Debug console will assign an address to your masternode name.
After you get your masternode address (you will need it in the next step), go back to the terminal window, and press "ENTER" while having the "Continue" button selected.
You will be taken to the next screen where you choose how much collateral you wish to send:
Transfer the desired collateral amount to your generated address (1,000,000 / 5,000,000 / 20,000,000 / 100,000,000 FIX) and press ENTER while having the "Continue" button selected.
In the next screen, you will name your masternode, and input your generated masternode address:
Enter your masternode name in the "Masternode Name" field. Avoid putting spaces to separate letters, use an underscore "_" instead.
Now move down in the menu to the "Masternode Address" field by pressing the down arrow key. Copy the masternode address into your clipboard and paste it into the field by right-clicking inside it.
Press ENTER after you filled in both fields.You will be taken to the following screen where the script verifies your collateral. If the verification is successful, you will be presented with your collateral transaction ID, the transaction index and the amount of collateral amount you sent.
Press ENTER to continue to the next screen. This part is completely automatic as the script will go through several steps to prepare and configure your masternode.
Just wait until it the script finishes working and it will take you to this screen:
This screen contains important information which is needed to access your masternode configuration data! You will have to copy this data into the masternode.conf file of your local wallet. You cannot start your masternode without it!
Select the entire text beginning with "http" in your terminal window by clicking and holding the left mouse button, and moving the mouse until the end of the text - the background of the selected text will turn black. Now release the left mouse button after selecting the text and it will be copied into your clipboard automatically (you will get a notification about it in the terminal window). This is the URL needed to access your masternode configuration information.
You may also wish to save the Username and Password, in case you are asked for them.
Save the text into a file so you do not lose it!
Now paste the URL you saved into a web browser and press ENTER. You will be asked if you wish to login. Enter the username and password if you are asked for them. Confirm the login, and you will be taken to a similar web page like the one below.
Clicking on the "Download" link will download the masternode.conf file.
Clicking on the "View" link will open a web page with the contents of masternode.conf file:
You have to copy and paste the last row into the masternode.conf file of your FIX desktop wallet. Don't forget to save it and restart the desktop wallet afterwards.
Locations of the masternode.conf file:
Windows: in the directory %appdata%\FIX
Linux: inside the /home/YourChosenUsername/.fix directory
MacOS: in the /Users/YourChosenUsername/Library/Application Support/FIX directory
After you have updated your masternode.conf file and restarted your Desktop wallet, return to the terminal window and press ENTER to continue the setup process. You will be taken to this screen:
The script will start your masternode and sync it. The process is automatic so just wait until it completes.
NOTE: Your masternode collateral needs to have 16 confirmations to mature before you can start your masternode.
If it does not have 16 confirmations yet, you will see a screen with the message
"Collateral is not yet matured enough... Please wait till block XXXXXX".
Just wait until the collateral matures, and the script will move on to the next step.
If your collateral is mature, you will be taken to the following screen:
The script is now waiting for your to start your masternode.
Start the masternode from your Desktop wallet by going to the Masternodes tab, clicking on the line with the masternode name (1), and clicking on the "Start Alias" button (2):
You may also start it from your debug console by inputting the "masternode start-alias false <yourmasternodename>"
command and pressing ENTER:
After you start the masternode, go to the terminal window and you will see the following screen with your masternode address and IP:
Press ENTER to exit the script. You will be presented with a screen with the information about your masternode and some important commands:
Commands for manually controlling your masternodes:
Starting ALL masternodes: systemctl start fix.service
Stopping ALL masternodes:systemctl stop fix.service
Restarting ALL masternodes: systemctl restart fix.service
Commands for manually controlling a SINGLE specific masternode:
Starting the masternode: systemctl start fix-mn@?.service
Stopping the masternode:systemctl stop fix-mn@?.service
Restarting the masternode: systemctl restart fix-mn@?.service
NOTE: Replace the "?" above with the number of your desired masternode.
If you want to install more masternodes, just run the script again by entering the masternode_setup
command at the terminal command prompt.